Fight #1:-Rob Emerson vs. Keita Nakamura
Round 1: Both Emerson and Nakamura come out exchanging on the feet with Emerson landing the better shots for the most part. About a minute into the round, Emerson lands a big-solid shot. Emerson is working the leg kicks now and mixing in some jabs. Emerson with a decent combo with the hands right before Nakamura lands a flush knee that drops Emerson. We have a scramble on the ground which results in the two working their way back to their feet. Nakamura gets a takedown as the round comes to a close.
Round 2: Nakamura is opening up more in the second, but leaves himself vulnrable to Emerson's leg kicks. This leads to a solid overhand right scoring for Emerson. Emerson putting together the kicks and punches well here in the second. Emerson is controlling this round with striking and Nakamura is having trouble getting any offense going. Near the end of the round, Nakamura finally secures a takedown but Emerson immediately gets back to his feet. Round ends with Emerson landing a few more punches. Easy 10-9 round for Emerson.
Round 3: Both guys seem to have less in the tank here in the third. This is a slower-paced round than the previous two. Nakamura with a takedown from the clinch, but both scramble back to their feet quickly. Action is starting to pick up now as Emerson is scoring more with striking, leading Nakamura to turn it up in desperate fashion - finding some good shots connecting along the way. They're brawling now as the round nears its' end and Nakamura takes Emerson down. The two exchange strikes on the ground as the horn sounds to end the fight.Rob Emerson def. Keita Nakamura via Split Decision (30-27 Emerson, 29-28 Nakamura, 30-27 Emerson) after 3 Rounds.
Fight #2:-Terry Martin vs. Marvin Eastman
Round 1: We start the round off with the two clinching and hitting the ground quickly, only to scramble right back up and clinch up against the cage. Both guys are working in-close knees. Still clinched, Martin is working some body punches and a few arm-punches to the head of Eastman. We have our first break. And pretty soon thereafter, we find ourselves right back in a clinch. Not a lot of action goes by as the two are once again seperated for a restart. Eastman lands some solid punches and elbows in-close as the round ends. Boring round, and the crowd let them know it. 10-9 Martin, maybe? Tough to call.
Round 2: Big, wild swinging from both men to open the second - nothing of any significance landing. We're clinched against the cage. Martin lands a decent punch. Referee breaks them. Eastman flurries before another clinch. Referee breaks them again. Eastman lands a knee, Martin with a decent punch and we're clinched yet again. Eastman gets Martin to the ground but they get back up pretty quickly. We clinch against the cage as the round ends. Another pretty dull round. 10-9 Eastman this time?
Round 3: Eastman comes out more aggressive this round, landing some good punch combo's and a head kick that was partially blocked. Eastman with a takedown and is working ground and pound from side mount. Martin almost gives his back up, but the two scramble up to their feet again. Both begin exchanging immdiately with Eastman landing some big kicks. We're clinched now with Eastman working some good dirty boxing, Randy Couture style. Eastman with some solid knees and a good couple of punches. In another clinch, Martin gets a takedown and is working to get Eastman's back. They scramble back up and clinch against the cage. They land a few more shots as the horn sounds to end the fight.Marvin Eastman def. Terry Martin via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 30-27) after 3 Rounds.
Fight #3:-David Heath vs. Tim Boetsch
Round 1: Boetsch landed some good kicks followed by a big overhand right. Not a lot going on early. Beotsch with a front kick to the gut of Heath and another big right hand. Boetsch lands some good shots that seems to have stunned Heath. Boetsch gets Heath down and follows in with some ground and pound to earn the first round stoppage and the victory.Tim Boetsch def. David Heath via TKO (strikes) at 4:52 of Round 1.
Fight #4:-Chris Lytle vs. Kyle Bradley
Round 1: Very quick fight. Lytle lands some leg kicks and then bombs Bradley with a big hook and has Bradley down and hurt. Lytle jumps in to finish and does so with a flurry of punches seconds into the first round.Chris Lytle Def. Kyle Bradley via TKO (strikes) at 0:33 of Round 1.
Fight #5:-Tyson Griffin vs. Gleison Tibau
Round 1: Griffin lands a good right early. Tibau is much bigger in size than Griffin just based on appearance. Tibau with a flying knee that Griffin blocks for the most part. No damage done. Griffin with another good right. Good leg kick by Griffin. Not your typical Griffin fight so far. It's basically a technical, albeit cautious striking battle thus far, with Griffin getting the better stuff in. We're clinched against the cage at the half way point of the round. Tibau drops down from the clinch for a takedown, but Griffin won't have it. They seperate on their own and we're back to the technical striking match. Griffin wild with some big punches, nothing really finding the mark. Griffin now landing some solid shots as the crowd starts to come alive. Griffin turning it on big and hurts Tibau with some good shots. Tibau dives in for a great takedown and immediately passes to half guard as we have a little over a minute remaining. You got the feeling that if Tibau didn't get the takedown, Griffin was about to get the knockout he was talking about wanting in this fight. We're scrambling on the ground now and Griffin gets back to his feet. Griffin with a hold of one of Tibau's legs looking for a takedown of his own, but Tibau is defending well. We're clinched against the cage now but Tibau with a throw-takedown. Griffin eats some punches to get back to his feet rather quickly after hitting the mat. Good round.
Round 2: Some strike attempts from both guys for the first thirty seconds, nothing of note landing. We're clinched against the cage now. Slower round, not a lot to speak of thus far. Just as I say that both guys trade some nice punches. Neither guy seems phazed. Tibau with a takedown and has side control. Griffin is giving up his back but instead stands up and breaks loose. Each guy eats a solid punch. Good leg kick from Griffin. And another. Griffin throwing a lot of big right hands and Tibau seems to have his timing down, as he's avoiding most of them. Griffin lands a good shot. Another good right from Griffin lands about a minute later. Tibau gets an easy takedown. Griffin quickly working to stand up again, and does so with relative ease. Griffin tries turning it up to finish the final twenty seconds of the round, but doesn't land much.
Round 3: Tibau lands a decent left. Tibau with another easy takedown of Griffin. Griffin immediately gets butterfly guard and underhooks from the bottom. Tibau transitions to half guard and has head and arm control over Griffin, who isn't standing up this time so easily. Griffin gets some space and stands up, eating some punches on the way up for his effort. Depending on how they score Tibau's takedowns and how the rest of this round goes, could be an upset brewing here. Griffin with a great body shot but immediately is taken down by Tibau. Just as quick as he got taken down, Griffin got up. He lands another very impressive body shot. Good overhand right from Griffin. Griffin turning it on in the final two minutes of the final frame. Griffin with a standing elbow. We're clinched against the fence now with Griffin foot-stomping Tibau. Crowd reacts like they've never seen foot-stomps before. One minute left in the third. Griffin still foot-stomping and nothing much else going on in this clinch. Shoulder strike from Griffin with thirty seconds left. Tibau looking for a takedown out of the clinch, but Griffin avoids it this time. Twenty seconds remaining. Griffin breaks free and lands a good punch. Horn sounds and the fight is over. Crowd seems to boo the fight.Tyson Griffin def. Gleison Tibau via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) after 3 Rounds.
Fight #6:-Ricardo Almeida vs. Rob Yundt
Round 1: Yundt with a little uppercut. Almeida with a lead-body shot. Almeida fakes a punch and shoots for the takedown. He gets him down and is in his butterfly guard. Yundt is scrambling but Almeida slaps on a guillotine choke. They flip around, guillotine still locked and Yundt taps.Ricardo Almeida def. Rob Yundt via Submission (guillotine choke) at 1:08 of Round 1.
Fight #7:-Jeremy Horn vs. Nate Marquardt
Round 1: Clinch early and Marquardt lands some good knees from the inside and a punch or two. Marquardt gets a takedown out of the clinch. Marquardt in Horn's full guard and Horn is moving his hips already looking for stuff, but Marquardt lands some very big shots. Horn is covering up and Marquardt is blasting away. Horn throwing his legs up looking for something but Marquardt settles in and Horn closes the guard. Marquardt with a short elbow as he has Horn pressed up against the cage. Marquardt throwing more short elbows. Marquardt stands up and allows Horn to get back to his feet as well. Marquardt with a nice right hand. We're clinched now in the center of the octagon. Horn goes for a takedown but ends up on his back with Marquardt on top in his half guard. Marquardt sits up and throws some short elbows. It's all Marquardt in round one thus far. Horn gets to his feet in the over-under and looks to sweep Marquardt's legs. No dice. Marquardt lands a huge punch that has the crowd "ooh'ing and ahh'ing". Another big shot and Horn is down. Marquardt is on top with a darce choke locked in. He lets it go and throws some elbows. Horn regains his full guard. Horn switches to butterfly guard and lands an elbow from the bottom. Marquardt stands up and Horn is throwing up kicks. Marquardt avoids them and dives back into Horn's full guard. Horn throws a leg over looking for a gogoplata. The crowd reacts big for that. Horn switches to an oma plata now with ten seconds left. Horn uses it to sweep instead and finishes the round on top. Great round. 10-9 Marquardt.
Round 2: Horn with a leg kick to start the round. Marquardt slips throwing a leg kick and is on his back with Horn in his butterfly guard. Marquardt throws an elbow from the bottom and switches to full guard. Marquardt has a cut above his right eye. Marquardt with feet on hips pushes Horn away and stands back up. Marquardt with a standing guillotine and chokes Horn out!Nathan Marquardt def. Jeremy Horn via Submission (guillotine choke) at 1:37 of Round 2.
Fight #8:-Brock Lesnar vs. Frank Mir
Round 1: Lesnar immediately takes Mir down and has half guard. Lesnar is throwing short punches with fury. Ref breaks the two - apparently Lesnar loses a point for hitting Mir in the back of the head. No warning before the point deduction. Restart on the feet and Lesnar drops Mir with a big punch to the face. Lesnar goes berzerk on the ground with punches. Mir slaps on an armbar, but Lesnar escapes. Lesnar stands up and Mir grabs a leg and locks in a leg lock - Lesnar taps out!Frank Mir def. Brock Lesnar via Submission (kneebar) at 1:30 of Round 1.
Fight #9:-Tim Sylvia vs. Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira (Interim UFC HW Title)
Round 1: Jay-Z shown on screen with the name label as round one begins. Nogueira with a leg kick. Sylvia with a decent right hand. Nogueira pulls guard. Sylvia on top and in Nogueira's half guard now. Sylvia stands up and backs away, allowing Nogueira back to his feet. Sylvia lands another decent right. Good jab from Sylvia. Nogueira with a good right hand of his own. Nogueira with a good jab. Sylvia with an uppercut that partially lands. Sylvia drops Nogueira with a big right hand. Sylvia jumps in looking to finish. Nogueira is trying to hold on and has Sylvia in his full guard. Nogueira is cut and bleeding over his eye. Nogueira is still on weak legs. Nogueira with a desperation takedown attempt, but finds himself on the bottom with Sylvia on top in his half guard. Sylvia landing short elbows on the cut eye of Nogueira. Nogueira starting to bleed a bit more now. Sylvia stands up and lets Nogueira back to his feet. Nogueira looking for a takedown but Sylvia defends well. Good jab by Nogueira. Nogueira with another takedown attempt but Sylvia avoids it again. Sylvia with a good jab. Nogueira lands a combo. Decent left by Nogueira. Sylvia with an uppercut that misses. Sylvia lands a big shot after that, though. Good jab by Sylvia. Nogueira looks for a takedown with seconds left in the round. He gets it just as the horn sounds. Might have wasted some energy there.
Round 2: Good jab by Nogueira early in the second. Sylvia lands a good punch. Nogueira with a takedown attempt but Sylvia stuffs it. Sylvia lands a big combo and Nogueira seemed momentarily rocked. Another good right by Sylvia finds the mark. And another. Nogueira with a few good jabs. Jab by Sylvia knocks Nogueira's head back. Nogueira with another failed takedown attempt. Good uppercut by Sylvia lands. And another followed by a little hook. Nogueira fails at another takedown. Good jab and leg kick by Nogueira. Body shot by Sylvia. And another. Good uppercut inside by Sylvia. Nogueira with another takedown attempt. He almost has this one but Sylvia is defending. Nogueira still working to get Big Tim down. Nogueira gives up on the takedown and we're seperated and pawing with jabs again. Big right hand by Sylvia stuns Nogueira. Nogueira with a big left hook to respond. Sylvia lands a few good punches as the round ends.
Round 3: Leg kick by Nogueira countered by a huge right hand from Sylvia. Nogueira looking for a takedown but Sylvia defends it quickly. Sylvia with a good jab. Nogueira pulls guard and Sylvia is on top in his half guard. Nogueira sweeps Sylvia and is on top in side mount! Almost four minutes left in the round. Sylvia bucks but Nogueira slaps on a guillotine choke and gets the tap out!
Saturday, February 9, 2008
UFC 81 Results
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Saturday, February 09, 2008
Labels: UFC 81
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